Minggu, 01 April 2012

BLACK OCEAN at SS4INA??!! Please Don’t do that!

BLACK OCEAN at SS4INA??!! Please Don’t do that!

Beritanya udah sampai fans Internasional???!!
berikut kilasannya :
Please don’t give EXO-M a black ocean at SS4INA. It’s disrespectful.. What would SJ think if ELF did that.. Cr: @WorldWideELFs
I’m an EXOTIC, and I believe everyone knows that. Honestly speaking, there’s also this another fandom where I also belong, and it’s called E.L.F. I have been part of this fandom for 2 years and 3 months. I found happiness, love and excitement in this fandom. And the happiest moment of being part of this fandom is when I started knowing about EXO and finally became an EXOTIC. That’s why, I believe, without suju and elfs, I wouldn’t be an exo fan right now.

I have accepted from the very start, that my two fandoms (exotics and elfs) has conflict. I have accepted from the very start that it will be hard for these two fandoms to get along that easy, and it made me sad when I heard the news (about EXO-M joining SS4 indonesia) and some (or maybe a lot) elfs wanted to turn off their lightsticks if it’s already exo’s turn ( in short, black ocean). I don’t think a group who hasn’t even debuted yet, really deserves a black ocean, especially if it’s from a fandom whom I knew from the very start, who is supporting and loving one.
But, on the other side, we shouldn’t also generalize that if “some” ELFS hate EXO, it’s already the whole fandom. Unbiasedly speaking, there are a lot of ELFS who supports and loves EXO (believe me cause I’m one of them!). Actually, 90% percent of my ELF friends doesn’t hate them, and they even support them. So please, let’s give a chance to each other’s part so that everything will turn out alright in the end.
But the issue about “let-us-give-exo-a-black-ocean” really hurt me. And this made me say that, the fandom I have grew up with isn’t already the fandom I knew. And it’s the reality, but I have to accept it. I know that a fandom will never be complete without “bitch fans” or “delusional fans”. These kind of fans make the fandom be “turned down”, but after awhile, will stand up and be stronger again.
That’s why, on behalf of my sister and brother ELFs, I’m here to say sorry to my sister/brother EXOTICS who were hurt about the issue. I know it’s never right to do what ELFS did awhile ago. So, I’m really sorry.
I STILL AM WISHING that everything will be alright. I STILL AM WISHING that fanwars would stop already. I STILL AM WISHING that one day, I’ll witness how EXOTICS and ELFS will get along well in EXO-SJ joint concerts like SMtown. I STILL AM WISHING that EXOTICS AND ELFS will be BESTFRIENDS like how ELFS-SHAWOLS/ELFS-CASSIES/EXO-SHAWOLS/EXO-CASSIES do.
cr: bbexo
via : EXO
Note from me :
“Apa ini layak?? Susah payah promotor membawa SJ ke Indonesia, tapi akan membuat mereka kecewa?? Be Smart ELF. Jangan sampe oppadeul membenci ELFINA hanya karena masalah ini. Itu sungguh menyakitkan bukan untuk para ELF? Mereka satu keluarga. Bukankah sesama keluarga kita harus mendukung? Sunggu aku sangat iri dengan Artis dari management lain yang sangat menjaga kekeluargaan mereka. Kita tau ini panggung Oppadeul…tapi apa kalian kan menghentika seniman yang ingin berkarya juga? Jujur, aku seorang ELF,SONE,SHAWOL,CASSIE,PLUS,EXOTIC. Bukankah indah jika mereka bersatu? Keluarga SM tambah besar pula kan? Ayolah jangan sampai ini terjadi, Kalian [ELF] tidak mau kan nama ELFINA tercemar dikalangan ELF Internasional? satu yang ingin aku sampaikan, janga membuat Oppadeul Kecewa dengan kita. Kita harus mendukung satu sama lain. tidak ada yang namanya “BLACK OCEAN” tapi adanya “SAPHIRE BLUE OCEAN”
Ini hanya sekedar unek-unek ku ajah. please don’t bash me :)

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